The DKIM-signature that's supposedly been verified by @thewire_in only has 6 headers, doesn't include "to:" field in "h=". So it cannot verify the "to:" header. (Also recent fb\.com mails' DKIM (3rd img) covers 7 headers incl "to:"!) Why didn't journos or 2 experts notice?

It seems I added the same image as image 1 and 2 in the above tweet. This was supposed to be image 2. Both screenshots are taken from the video embedded on this page:…

There's proof that @thewire_in doctored screenshots. Check the date of the 2 experts' emails in the first screenshot (from 2022. Now check archived screenshot: 2021. Spott3d by the eagle-eyed @techtradeguru. Ty, oh guru 🙏…

@pranesh @thewire_in @techtradeguru The screenshots of the 2 experts, as first published, carried date stamps of a computer that had just been formatted with tailsOS and not set properly (as users are prompted to do when tailsOS is installed) at initial boot. Our man put 2021 instead of 2022. 1/

@pranesh @thewire_in @techtradeguru Accordingly, the emails in the screenshots he took when he got the emails showed the year they were sent in as 2021! These were replaced with new screenshots taken with the corrected system date to avoid reader confusion, and a note was added. No doctoring.

@pranesh @thewire_in @techtradeguru One of the experts has since given consent for us to reveal his full identity, which we have now done on social media. The story will also be updated to reflect that.
