art school is taking a toll on my mental health and not for the reason you’d think 🧵

to be frank, a lot of the students here (especially the younger ones) are TERMINALLY online. they cannot function normally or have a normal conversation outside of the internet. fandom discourse is now class discourse. there is no logging out.

they cannot consume any media through any lens other than a literal one. EVERYTHING is problematic, but only when other people enjoy it. ie. homestuck fans will accuse fellow students of being PEDOPHILES (or pedo defenders) for satirically liking that one clown guy from hxh.

shipping wars become ACTUAL DRAMA THAT SPLITS FRIEND GROUPS AND STARTS HARASSMENT. there is now an official case of stalking within our dorm complex, which they legally had to inform us of.

let me repeat this, THERE IS NO LOGGING OUT. your entire real life becomes constant and extremely stupid fandom discourse. the upperclassmen are (thank god) usually a lot better about this, but since i’m in mostly first year classes and housing, it’s beyond draining.

it’s this weird fucking purity culture and performative activism that the younger students constantly crusade in the name of. how the hell do you go to art school just to be so judgmental? art is about expressing yourself! some art will make you uncomfortable. go outside.

anyway yeah i’m just really drained from hearing about stupid online discourse both online and constantly irl too. i’m sick of hearing about how owl house is problematic or how people who watch ouran host club should be compared to real actual criminals. i am so fucking TIRED.

didn’t really expect this thread to get attention but i’ll add another scary factor is future work. these are the students that will go industry in a few years. jobs don’t care about ur fandoms but will obv drop u if they hear “pedo” being yelled at u. people will be fired.

that is SERIOUS. as someone who was groomed and sa’ed it is insane that i have to clarify that i was *actually* assaulted because the definitions have been so fucking watered down. this shit hurts real survivors of abuse. it’s not funny or harmless and definitely isn’t justice.
