If you procrastinate, read this:

The biggest productivity killer is procrastination. A simple way you can finally overcome it: The Pomodoro Technique. This thread will teach you: 1) How to use it 2) How to upgrade it The Pomodoro Technique has 4 simple steps:

1) Pick one task Write down your entire to-do list. Then pick one single thing to work on. Doing this: • Helps you focus • Reduces overwhelm • Gets you started faster Pick your highest priority task for the day. Once you’ve chosen it:

2) Set a 25 minute timer Your brain associates routines with actions. Setting a timer tells your brain "it's time to work." During your 25 minute blocks: • Focus on your priority task • Ignore distractions Here's how to handle distractions:

3) Keep a notebook nearby We often get distracted by our thoughts. Instead of acting on them: • Write them down • Tell yourself you'll deal with them later • Continue your deep focused work Doing this quickly strengthens your focus muscle. Once your 25 minutes are up:

4) Take a 5 minute active break Work must be balanced with rest. But don't reach for your phone yet. Instead, use your break to: • Stand up and stretch • Drink some water • Walk around Active breaks are proven to be better for recharging focus than inactive breaks.

You've now finished a 30 minute block. 25 minutes of work followed by 5 minutes of rest. Schedule your workday around several of these blocks. Alternating work and rest in this structured way helps you get more done in less time. Here are 3 ways you can improve this method:

Prepare ahead of time. At the start of your day, take a moment to: • Plan the tasks you'll work on • Clean up your workspace • Write down anything on your mind This reduces distractions, improves focus, and helps you move easily from block to block.

Adjust the timer. As your focus grows stronger, you'll be able to focus longer. You can then adjust your time blocks: • 45 minutes (35 minutes of work, 10 minute break) • 60 minutes (50 minutes of work, 10 minute break) • 90 minutes (75 minutes of work, 15 minute break)

Experiment. Combine with other tips for compounded benefits: • Use a focus app like Forest • Use a social media blocker like Freedom • Skip a break and keep working if you're in flow The Pomodoro Technique is just the start. Experiment to find what works best for you.

The 4 step method to destroying procrastination: 1) Pick one task 2) Set a 25 minute timer 3) Keep a notebook nearby 4) Take a 5 minute break 3 ways you can improve this method: • Prepare ahead of time • Adjust the timer • Experiment
