These 10 YouTube channels will teach you more in 2023 than 4 years of college:

Andrew Huberman The human mind and body are full of complexities. Andrew, a neuroscientist from Stanford, talks with other experts on his podcast about how we can better understand our minds, bodies, and behaviors to improve our lives.…

Crash Course Renown for making complex ideas simple, Crash Course brings world-class lessons on all subjects ranging from ancient history to biology directly to you. This is one of the best ways to become knowledgeable about any topic.

Thomas Frank A master of productivity, Thomas Frank’s mission is to help you maximize your efficiency. Whether you’re a student or you’re aiming to be a high performer in your career, his content can help you unlock your potential.

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell Using some of the best animations on the internet, the team behind Kurzgesagt approaches education through storytelling — and they’re great at it. Easily one of the most entertaining ways to learn about our world!

National Geographic NatGeo has dominated the education scene for decades. They bring their documentary expertise to YouTube with short-form and long-form content packed with information and breathtaking visuals of the world around us.

Graham Stephan Graham Stephan is a real estate and finance expert who uses YouTube to teach the masses secrets about financial literacy and the road to success. His content is perfect for anyone looking to level up their finance game.

Ali Abdaal Ali used to be a doctor — before he cracked the code to building an online audience and growing his personal brand. His content focuses on audience-building, entrepreneurship, and developing systems to help you find success.

Veritasium Derek’s award-winning approach to education is to engage with the public and show us the mind-blowing truths of the universe directly to our faces. His videos will leave you feeling engaged, curious, and eager to learn more!

Jeff Nippard Jeff Nippard isn’t only an internationally-qualified powerlifter; he’s also got a BS in biochemistry, and he uses his combined expertise to bring you some of the best information on how you can unlock your body’s true potential.

FreeCodeCamp Learning to code is one of the fastest ways to change your life. This skill is in high-demand, and FreeCodeCamp provides world-class lessons that will take you from novice to expert in several programming languages!

Share your favorite YouTube channel in the comments. For more on self-improvement, follow me @johnnyxbrown! RT to help others find these awesome channels! 👇
