3 intentions to bring with you into 2023: (1) Time is your most precious asset—it’s all you have and you’ll never get it back. (2) Rest is a core part of your daily systems—not a reward for your efforts. (3) Motivation is a byproduct of movement—when in doubt, start moving.

Time is your most precious asset. When you're young, you are a "time billionaire”—rich with time. Too many people fail to realize the value of this asset until it is gone. Treat time as your ultimate currency—it’s all you have and you can never get it back.

Rest is a core part of your daily systems. One of the most difficult challenges for any ambitious person is eliminating the guilt associated with free time and rest. All growth requires balance: Find balance—find growth.

Motivation is a byproduct of movement. If you wait to act until you feel motivated, you may never start. Discipline and consistency create momentum. Momentum creates motivation. Just start moving.

3 things to leave behind in 2022: (1) Boat Anchors: People who belittle your ambitions and hold you back from progress. (2) “When, then” Traps: The idea that you’ll be happy when [X] happens. Dangerous cycle. (3) Comparisons: The only one worth making is to you from yesterday.
