The battle between the khara-s & the karin-s among the mahAmlechCha will have consequences for the extension of the same fought in the desh. Things are now truly a world system. The khara-s are now quite united & largely a frontend for remarkable convergence of interests of an

array duShTa-s backed by sora-bejha-guggulu-mukhagiri-reNugirI-dvArAdiduShTAH, who have essentially taken control of the govt & as well as the military apparatus at the high ranks. The karin-s on the other hand are divided about whether they should back nAri~NgapuruSha, anugAmin

or someone else. On top of this Putin has let out a cat among their sparrows. They cannot disagree that he is essentially aligned with their counter-navyonmAda talking points. However, the MIC component of the deepstate will want them pursue worldwide conflict inline with its

navyonmatta counterparts/allies. Thus, the khara-s have a golden opportunity to brand their rivals (not just Tulsi) as partisans of the enemy & will do so. Along with this, as we have remarked before, the newly unveiled machine weapons have already been tokenized as khara-s.

The khara-s could thus pull of a win even as they fought of the imagined wave of gaja-s in the recent elections. This would mean they can have total freedom to pursue international agenda like India.
