Which country flag is by @W3Hidayath

Which country flag is this #Uk ?? @KooAppOfficial guy’s which country flag???

@W3Hidayath @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Looks like the whole of the UK now got put under the banner of the Isle of Man. ?

@W3Hidayath @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Morning! Isle of Man

@mrsjonash @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Morning. ya! as per the app Uk is part of Isle of Man ?

@W3Hidayath @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Ah! But look at their covid rates – wouldn’t you wanna be part of them? Plus – best road racing in the world!

@mrsjonash @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Would love to visit once the covid restrictions lifted.

@W3Hidayath @UnrollThread @KooAppOfficial Do it! Best atmosphere and racing at the TT. (BTW Jersey ?? and Guernsey ?? +44 as well ? )
